Smallest common multiple - works in browser, won't pass last freeCodeCamp test [SOLVED]

This code works in my browser for all of the freeCodeCamp tests, but won’t pass the last test at freeCodeCamp:


function smallestCommons(arr) {
	//find smallest common multiple between the range of two numbers
	var newarr = []; // lower and upper limit in order
	var newarr2 = []; // range between lower and upper limit
	var firstValue = 0; // firstValue of newarr2[];
	var nextValue = 0; // firstValue + 1 
	var lastValue = 0; // lastValue of newarr2[]
	var leastCommon = 1;
	var numToLoop = 0; // lastValue of newarr2[]*number of loops
	var leastCommonArr = []; //array to hold true, false
	var leastCommonArrTrue = []; //array of all true for compare
	var foundIt = false;  // trigger to stop trying
	var upperLimit = 1;  // all values in newarr2[], multiplied together
	//1 put the numbers in order
	if (arr[0] < arr[1]) {
	} else {
	console.log("sorted newarr[] is: " + newarr);
	//1.5 start the newarr2 array
	//2 add array of numbers from newarr[0] to newarr[1]
	firstValue = newarr[0];
	console.log("firstValue is: " +firstValue);
	lastValue = newarr[1];
	console.log("lastValue is: " +lastValue);
	nextValue = firstValue;
	console.log("nextValue is: " +nextValue);
	for (var i = 0; nextValue <= lastValue; i++ ) {
	 // console.log(newarr2);
	  nextValue = nextValue + 1;
	 // console.log("nextValue is: " +nextValue);
	  console.log("newarr2 with incremental #s is: " + newarr2);
	//2.5 create array of false values for leastCommonArr
	for (var p = 0; p < newarr2.length; p++ ) {
	//  console.log("leastCommonArr  is: " + leastCommonArr);
	//2.6 create array of true values for leastCommonArrTrue
	for (var q = 0; q < newarr2.length; q++ ) {
	//  console.log("leastCommonArrTrue  is: " + leastCommonArrTrue);
	//2.7 find upperlimit by multiplying all values in the array
	for (var s = 0; s < newarr2.length; s++){
	upperLimit = upperLimit * newarr2[s];
	console.log("upperLimit is: "+ upperLimit);
	//3  find least common multiple by working through the multiples of the last number
	lastValue = newarr2[newarr2.length - 1];
	//4 test to see if leastCommon is divisible by the other values in the array
	//leastCommon starts as lastValue
	leastCommon = lastValue;
	numToLoop = newarr2.length;
	console.log("numToLoop: " + numToLoop);
var n = 2;
 while( n <= upperLimit) {
	for (var m = 0; m < numToLoop; m++) {
	   if(leastCommon % newarr2[m] === 0) {
		leastCommonArr[m] = true;
	//	console.log("n is: " + n + " and m is: " + m);
	//	console.log("leastCommon is : " + leastCommon);
	//	console.log("newarr2[m] is: " + newarr2[m]);
	//	console.log("leastCommon % newarr2[m] is :" +  leastCommon % newarr2[m]);
	//	console.log("leastCommonArr is : " + leastCommonArr);
	//	console.log("---------");
	for (var x = 0; x < leastCommonArr.length; x++ ){
			if (leastCommonArr[x] === leastCommonArrTrue[x]) {
			foundIt = true;
			else {
			foundIt = false;
	if (foundIt === true) {
   //reset leastCommonArr and increment n
   for (var y = 0; y < newarr2.length; y++ ) {
	  leastCommonArr[y] = false;
	//  console.log("leastCommonArr reset is: " + leastCommonArr); 
      leastCommon = lastValue * n;
	  n = n + 1;
	 // leastCommon = leastCommon - lastValue;
	 // console.log(leastCommon);
	  return leastCommon;

I cleaned up your code.
You need to use triple backticks to post code to the forum.
See this post for details.

Thank you. First posting. :slight_smile:

I found out, on the github posts, that if I add // noprotect to the top of this code freecodecamp will accept it. Here’s freecodecamp’s discussion of // noprotect:

I think this is freecodecamp’s way of telling me that although my code works, it could definitely be refactored to be more efficient. Bottom line: if your code works locally but doesn’t pass all of the involved tests a freecodecamp you might try this but don’t use // noprotect outside of freecodecamp.

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