[solved] Factorialize a Number (get right outputs but can't pass)

Running it on Repl.it, I get the right answers for the FreeCodeCamp’s tests (

`factorialize(5)` should return 120.

`factorialize(10)` should return 3628800.

`factorialize(20)` should return 2432902008176640000.

`factorialize(0)` should return 1.

, but I can’t pass FreecodeCamp’s tests.

I know the below isn’t elegant (saw the recursive answer on hint by now, but code below works). This is my code:

let i = 1
function factorialize(num) {
let fact = num;
if (num == 1) {
  fact = 1;
if (num == 0) {
  fact = 1;
while (i < num) { 
  fact *= (num-i) ;
return fact;

Any pointers?

What FCC says when you run the test ?

Also, the first if is useless, you do “let fact = num” so if num = 1 fact = 1.

Thanks for reverting.

Agreed on the first if being useless. Just removed it.

let i = 1

function factorialize(num) {

let fact = num;

if (num == 0) {

fact = 1;


while (i < num) {

fact *= (num-i) ;



return fact;


That doesn’t impact the result though. Still can’t pass with this code.

FCC gives :

// running tests

factorialize(5) should return 120.

factorialize(10) should return 3628800.

factorialize(20) should return 2432902008176640000.

// tests completed

I can only pass first and last tests in FCC despite that the code works.

What am I missing?

Ok, I found your error.

Your code should be inside the function, so the “let i = 1” put it inside.

One more thing, when num == 0 you can directly return 1 so that the function end and it will not execute the rest of the code.

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Super, I’ll keep in mind trying out the variable declaration (for the sake of passing the test). And thanks for the note on placing a return earlier, appreciated.

Thanks for your help @JohnPA! :slight_smile:

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