So I already posted about my react quiz app I am working on, the thing is I ran into another snag. I am using an api call in a react app to make a randomized quiz application. The problem I have is how to add the answers to the questions. I have already put up the questions no problem, but within the question’s mapping function I expect I need to use another map function to apply the answers. I have tried using another .then() function but it appears that I lose the data of the api call at that point. The app currently doesn’t display the questions until I remove the added map function, I kept it on there to express what I had tried so far. I’m sure it should be a pretty simple fix, I am just quite the newbie at all of this. Thanks for your help.
here is the codepen
Here is the jsx if you just want to see that
var qs;
var answers ;
let thing;
class Quiz extends React.Component{
return (
<div className="box">
<h1 className=" display-3 borderbottom">Quiz app</h1>
<QuizContent getAs={this.getAs}/>
class QuizContent extends React.Component {
this.state = {
questions: [],
answers: [],
possible_answers: []
fetch('').then(results => {return results.json();})
.then(data =>{
let qs =, i)=>{
const entities = {
''': "'",
'"': '"',
"ñ": "ñ",
"é": "é",
"&": "&" ,
"ü": "ü"
return (
<div key= {data.results[i]}>{data.results[i].question.replace(/&#?\w+;/g, match => entities[match])}
<br />
<br />
<div> {data.results[i],j)=> {
return (
<p>{data.results[j].incorrect_answers; } </p>
})} </div>
<br />
questions: qs,
ReactDOM.render(<Quiz />, document.getElementById("app")
I just have the code to map the incorrect answers, I was going to code the correct answers afterwards and stylize the inputs. Thanks again !