Solving Telephone Number Validator Project

Tell us what’s happening:
I’m trying to do this JavaScript project and I need to complete 8 cases to pass the whole challenge. What are my mistakes on my code?

But when I read the hints I don’t understand . What is mean PermittedCharsOnly ?
MY code so far

function telephoneCheck(str) {
let hasTenDigits = false;
let hasElevenDigits = false;
let startsWithOne = false;
let hasPermittedCharsOnly = false;
let hasCorrectParentheses = false;
// regex
let hasTenDigitsRegex = /\d{10}/gmi;
hasTenDigits = hasTenDigitsRegex.test(str.replace(/\W/g, ''));

let hasElevenDigitsRegex = /\d{11}/gmi;
hasElevenDigits = hasElevenDigitsRegex.test(str.replace(/\W/g, ''));

let startsWithOneRegex = /^1[ ]?$/gmi;
startsWithOne = startsWithOneRegex.test(str); 

let hasCorrectParenthesesRegex = /[(][0-9]{3}[)]/gmi;
hasCorrectParentheses = hasCorrectParenthesesRegex.test(str);

if (!hasTenDigits && !hasElevenDigits) {
return false;
} else if (!hasCorrectParentheses) {
return false;
} else if (hasElevenDigits && !startsWithOne) {
return false;
} else {
return true;


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Challenge: Telephone Number Validator

Link to the challenge:

well, if you look at the tests, there is this one:


that check would be to reject this one because of the letters and random symbols. Allowed characters are numbers, spaces, dash and parenthesis

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