Sort an Array Alphabetically using the sort Method (that was weird)

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Might someone explain to me why this code worked for this challenge?

Your code so far

function alphabeticalOrder(arr) {
// Add your code below this line
return arr.sort();

// Add your code above this line
console.log(alphabeticalOrder(["a", "d", "c", "a", "z", "g"]));

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Challenge: Sort an Array Alphabetically using the sort Method

Link to the challenge:

You are using array.sort function.

The sort() method sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the sorted array. The default sort order is ascending, built upon converting the elements into strings, then comparing their sequences of UTF-16 code units values.

If compareFunction is not supplied, all non- undefined array elements are sorted by converting them to strings and comparing strings in UTF-16 code units order. For example, “banana” comes before “cherry”. In a numeric sort, 9 comes before 80, but because numbers are converted to strings, “80” comes before “9” in the Unicode order. All undefined elements are sorted to the end of the array.


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