Hi all,
I’m trying to figure out why there is a white space between my header background and my nav/section backgrounds. I would assume that if I have a header background color then it would fill the space right up where the nav/section areas are. Could anyone help tell me what I’m doing wrong. I’m sure my coding isn’t generally right anyway (only been going at it a few weeks), but that aside is there any obvious mistake I’m making.
Here is a pic of what it looks like currently, with the code below.
<body class="container">
<header class="grid horizonbkgr">
<h1>Vertical Navigation</h1>
<nav class="col-1-5">
<a href="">Home</a>
<a href="">Photos</a>
<a href="">Recipes</a>
<a href="">Contact</a>
<section class="col-4-5">
<h2>Playing with Vertical Navigation Bars</h2>
<p>This is a separate section that will hold the content for each page. The next paragraph is just filler text. It doesn't mean anything.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quia, temporibus, culpa! Impedit amet voluptates reiciendis esse quisquam. Eum quia, facere laboriosam quos possimus, ratione, optio incidunt sunt dolorum commodi magni.</p>
margin: 0 auto;
width: 960px;
.grid {
width: 960px;
.container {
padding-right: 30px;
padding-left: 30px;
.col-4-5 {
h2, h3, p, a {
margin-bottom: 22px;
h1 {
font: small-caps bold 32px arial;
text-align: center;
header {
background: #DEFFFD;
h1 {
background: #DEFFFD;
nav {
background: #DEFFFD;
height: 50vh;
nav a{
display: block;
font: small-caps 20px arial;
text-align: center;
section {
background: #DEFFE1;
width: 75%;