[SPOILER] - Sum All Primes - how to make it more efficient

Hello coders, need your help.
I’ve checked all existing topics about this challenge and it did’n help.
My code works in Codepen but fail to pass tests here - I suppose it is not efficient enough.
How can I make it simpler? Or should I change algorithm?

function sumPrimes(num) {
  var sum = 0;
  LoopOne :
  for(var current = num % 2 == 0 ? num - 1 : num; current > 1; current -= 2){
    for(var i = current - 1; i > 1; i--){
     if(current % i === 0) continue LoopOne;
    sum = sum + current;
return sum+2;  

thank you)

This was my solution:

function sumPrimes(num) {
	let result = 0;
	// iterate from 2 to num
	for (let i = 2; i <= num; i++){
		let count = 0;
		// iterate from 1 to i, count instances of i % j === 0
		for (let j = 1; j <= i; j++){
			i % j === 0 ? count++ : '';
		// if count === 2, sum that num to result
		count === 2 ? result += i : '';
	// return the sum of all primes
	return result;


While the previous solution works, the problem reads ‘The provided number may not be a primer’.
In that case, I would tweak the code to give feedback if the user inputs either a negative number, a floating point, 1 or 0;

function sumPrimes(num) {
	if (num % parseInt(num) !== 0 || num < 2){
		return 'Invalid, insert an integer greater than 1';
	} else {
		// result variable
		let result = 0;
		// iterate from 2 to num
		for (let i = 2; i <= num; i++){
			// iterate from 1 to i, count instances of i % j === 0
			let count = 0;
			for (let j = 1; j <= i; j++){
				i % j === 0 ? count++ : '';
			// if count === 2, sum that num to result
			count === 2 ? result += i : '';
		// return result
		return result;

Hope it helps, I wanted to upload it to the hints section because I think it’s pretty clear.

thank you for your reply, however, I’m interested why my code isn’t working.
I guess algorithm is not best.
I like you solution)

ok now it is working! I don’t understand it - I change nothing :slight_smile:

now that is spooky,
oo btw the [spoiler] should have been put outside the triple backtick to work

let this = "be a an example code"
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psyperl thank you! :penguin: