SRC attribute ? What am i missing?

i am entering the image URL character for character and the images are showing up on the interface with no issues so that’s making me think its not a problem with my opening or closing tabs . I am kind of lost can someone help !

  **Your code so far**

<img src="" alt="a buisness cat wearing a necktie">
<img src="" alt="relaxing cat.">
<p>Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff.</p>
<p>Purr jump eat the grass rip the couch scratched sunbathe, shed everywhere rip the couch sleep in the sink fluffy fur catnip scratched.</p>
  **Your browser information:**

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:95.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.0

Challenge: Add Images to Your Website

Link to the challenge:

Having two img elements will confuse the tests. Also, the url on your second one isn’t right.


Thank you for the help, i fixed it !

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