Step 51 Gradient transitions often gradually change from one color to another. You can make the change a solid line like this: City Sky Line


Correct me if I am wrong, but I think i entered my CSS code correctly but it doesn’t let me go to the next step. What am I doing wrong?

Challenge: Step 51: Add a linear-gradient to .bb2b that uses --building-color2 from 0% to 6% and --window-color2 from 6% to 9% .

My CSS Code:
.bb2b {background: linear-gradient var(–building-color2) 0%, var(–building-color2) 6%, var(–window-color2) 6%, var(–window-color2) 9%;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;}

It gives me the hint : ‘You should give .bb2b a background property.’

Link to the challenge:

Variables have only one “-” at the beginning?!
Is a semicolon or comma needed after the last variable?!
All variables must belong to linear-gradient :arrow_right_hook: var(…):leftwards_arrow_with_hook: ;))

you have spaces in beetween that you don’t need and you forgot to close the var in parentheses. here is the answer:
.bb2b {background:linear-gradient(var(–building-color2) 0%, var(–building-color2) 6%, var(–window-color2) 6%, var(–window-color2) 9%);
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

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