Step 7 - Learn CSS Grid by Building a Magazine

After your header element, create a div with the class set to author.

Within that div, create a p element with the class set to author-name and give it the text By freeCodeCamp. Wrap the freeCodeCamp portion in an a element with the href set to, and the target set to _blank.

Below that, add a second p element with the class publish-date and the text March 7, 2019.

<div class="author">
<p class="author-name"> By<a href="" target="_blank"> FreeCodeCamp </a></p>
  <p class="publish-date">March 7, 2019</p>

Good afternoon everybody,

I love to have some insights on this code. I thought I was on the right track, but there is something not right ???


It is really best to leave the link to the challenge in your post.

Your spaces might be off? Hard to tell without a link to the challenge.

Hi JeremyLT

I will try again, okay.

thanks for the link.
I copied your code to the step and it gave me this hint:


Your first new p element should have the text By freeCodeCamp.

Notice that it wants text that is different than the one you used?

I also just finished this step and I believe it’s just a tiny typo error for ‘freeCodeCamp’. Hope that helps!

Thanks a lot for your response. I see my errors. The capital F and the extra spacing behind freeCodeCamp.

It’s better to do a thorough check before posting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thank you for your tip. I saw it in my coding. I even had an extra spacing behind the freeCodeCamp.

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