Stuck on Technical Documentation with Media Queries

Hello dear people,
I am trying to complete my responsive web certificate.
Unfortunately I am stuck with the last instruction about media queries.
This is my code:

@media (min-width: 50em) {
  p {
    float: right;
    width: 50%;

This is the instruction:

    1. My Technical Documentation page should use at least one media query.*

Link to the challenge:

the code works fine and i added a similar, second line to it so I have at least two media queries.
here is the link to my code pen:

Hi @delia.alten !

Welcome to the forum!

I was able to pass all of the tests using just your first media query listed

 @media max-width(720px){
    p {
      display: none;

Hey @jwilkins.oboe ! Thanks for the quick reply,
I think i am missing something here. For me it doesn’t work:

Will try to restart the challenge. Maybe that helps :slight_smile:

restarting helped.

Oh I missed this earlier.

Usually you would write it like this

  @media (max-width:720px){
    p {
      display: none;

For some reason it still passed for me the other way you wrote it but try it this way.

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Ah yeah, thats why I added the other lines of code.
I have seen both kinds now.
After restarting the exercise and copy-pasting the same code I finally passed.
Thank you for your help!

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