please how will i link to styles.css.
read the question: Now you need to link the styles.css file so the styles will be applied again. Nest a self-closing link element in the head element. Give it a rel attribute value stylesheet , a type attribute value of text/css , and an href attribute value of styles.css .
then, here is the codes i have written:
<a href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Cafe Menu</title>
</head>e or paste code here
please put me through here because i don’t understand
Head links are not the same as the anchor element. You should use <link>, not <a>.
Also you have not closed your link element. Close it at the end like this />
The code should pass after this, but in future please link to the lesson you are stuck on, it makes it easier to help.