Survey Form #13 Failing

I’ve been stuck on the Survey Form for a while now, specifically on the “radio-button group” I don’t quite understand what it wants, and googling has provided no results. If it’s just oversight and my noobishness showing, I apologize. Here’s the link to my page:

All your inputs type radio must have the same name like name="choice"

I changed the all the value of “name” to “likely”. As it is the context of what the radio option is asking.

Radio buttons should have the same “name” values.

        <div class="row" name="radioGroup">
          <input type="radio" id="definitely" name="likely" value="definitely" class="col-sm-2" checked />
          <label for="definitely" class="col-sm-10" align="left">Definitely</label>
          <input type="radio" id="maybe" name="likely" value="maybe" class="col-sm-2"/>
          <label for="maybe" class="col-sm-10" align="left">Maybe</label>
          <input type="radio" id="notSure" name="likely" value="notSure" class="col-sm-2"/>
          <label for="notSure" class="col-sm-10" align="left">Not Sure</label>

Thanks! Appreciate the help!