Forgot to save my code yesterday,unfortunately had to start from scratch. Guess what i’m still stuck in the same problem." [Every radio button group should have at least 2 radio buttons]"… honestly i do not know what to try anymore
**Your code so far**
/* file: index.html */
<h1 id="title">Survey Form</h1>
<p id="description">Thank you for taking out the time to improve the platform.</p>
<form id="survey-form">
<input placeholder="Enter your Name" required id="name"></input>
<input placeholder="Enter your Email" type="email" required id="email"></input>
<input placeholder="Enter your Number" min="13" max="150" type="number" id="number"></input>
<label id="name-label" for="name">name</label>
<label id="email-label" for="email">email</label>
<label id="number-label" for="number">number</label>
<select id="dropdown">
<fieldset id="Group">
<input name="click1" value="radio1" type="radio"></input>
<label for="radio1">radio1</label>
<input name="click2" value="radio2" type="radio"></input>
<label for="radio">radio2</label>
<input name="Click3" value="radio3" type="radio"></input>
<label for="radio3">radio3</label>
<input name="click4" value="radio4" type="radio"></input>
<label for="radio4">radio4</label>
/* file: styles.css */
**Your browser information:**
User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
hi there,
changed a little code of yours and passed.
input element is selfclosing. you do not need the closing tag. And if you give all of them
the name=“radio”, you will receive this:
sorry, my fault.
Hope you are doing well.
If you like you can let let me know if there is another way to solve this step.
I was happy my version of code worked, but still i am interested to know about, why your code did not work. It looks so good and well sorted. Have a nice day!!