Okay this is where I am stuck
" 1. For the name, email, and number input fields, you can see corresponding label elements in the form, that describe the purpose of each field with the following ids: id="name-label", id="email-label", and id="number-label""
If I try to change the content of my ids on these lines it messes up previous code. I am not sure but I would assume you can’t have 2 ids in the same element? I don’t quite understand this step. Can someone try to help clarify pretty please?
Okay, that is what I was thinking. I just was also thinking it would be weird to have 2 different ids in the same element. I will try this pronto. I’m the queen of making things harder than they need to be.
okay the id went into the label element rather than putting it into the input that was nested in the label element. Lightbulb just turned on… Thanks!!!
yes you definitely don’t want 2 ids. A for attribute is obviously not an id attribute.
The reason for adding the id attribute to the label is only so that the test can check your work.
You may not need to ever do this in real life code.