Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

I am facing a problem with the survey form project.

While running the tests it shows cross sign(reject sign) with the requirement:

" You should have an h1 element with an id of title ."

Even when I have already added this.

< h1 id=“title”>BTS💜 Army Survey Form </ h1>

It is still not accepting this and is giving error.

We will need a link to the project and see all your code to help you out. Is this project on a codepen by any chance? If so, you can paste the link here so we can see the entire project.

Here is the link to my codepen project:

And here is the screenshot.

I have seen your code. In your html file there is a problem in closing html tag. You have typed <h/html> instead of < /html> . Try it.

Hello! I think your h1 element should be put after the opening tag for the body like this:


I have tried this too… removing h from <h/html> and writing

Like you said that h1 element should be put after body tag, i tried this as well but it still does not work.

I logged out of the account and then logged in again and also cleared browser cache, but still no vain.

I found out the solution :+1:

I wrote id=“title” in the tag as well. This was the mistake.

Thank you so much everyone for taking time from your busy schedules to help me out.
I am really grateful (and happy too cuz i finally found the solution).
Have a good day! :smiling_face:

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