Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

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<!-- file: index.html -->
<h1 id="title">Survey Form</h1><p id="description">Build an app that is functionally similar to</p><form id="survey-form"><input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Enter Your Name" required /></input><input id="email" type="email" placeholder="Enter Your Email" required /><input id="number" type="number" min="2" max="5" placeholder="Enter Your Email"></input><label id="name-label">Akintade Abdullah</label><label id="email-label"></label><label id="number-label">1</label><select id="dropdown"><option></option><option></option></select><input type="radio" value="1" name="A"><input type="radio" value="2" name="B"><input type="checkbox" value="1"></input><input type="checkbox" value="2"></input><textarea></textarea><button id="submit"></button>
/* file: styles.css */

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Challenge: Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

Link to the challenge:

It says every radio buttons should have at least two radio buttons,what does that mean?

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