Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

Tell us what’s happening:

hi everyone… i have one issue… i have been stuck into that step… i don’t know what is the further procedure to continue this project…

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->
<h1 id="title">freeCodeCamp Survey Form</h1>
<p id="description">Thank you for taking the time to help us improve the platform</p>
<form id="survey-form">
  <label id="name-label" for="name">Name</label>
  <input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Enter your Name" required></input> </br>
   <label id="email-label" for="email">Email</label>
   <input id="email" type="email" placeholder="Enter your Email" required></input> </br>
  <label id="number-label" for="number" >Age</label>
   <input id="number" type="number" min="1" max="99" placeholder="Age" required></input> </br>
   <label  for="dropdown" >Which option best describes your current role?</label> 
   <select id="dropdown">
     <option>Select current role</option>
     <option>Full time job</option>
     <option>Full time learner</option>
     <option>Prefer not to say</option>
   </select> </br>
   <label for="radio">Would you recommend freeCodeCamp to a friend?
   <input type="radio" name="rdt" value="Definitely">Definitely</input>
   <input type="radio" name="rdt" value="Maybe">May be</input>
   <input  type="radio" name="rdt"  value="Not sure">Not sure</input></br>
   <label  for="dropdown1" >What is your favorite feature of freeCodeCamp?</label>
   <select id="dropdown1">
     <option>Select an option</option>
     <option>Open source</option>
   </select> </br>
   <label for="chk">What would you like to see improved? (Check all that apply)</label>
   <div id="chk">
    <input type="checkbox" value="front-end">Front-end Projects</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="back-end">Back-end Projects</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="data-visual">Data Visualization</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="challenge">Challenges</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="open-source">Open Source Community</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="gitter-help">Gitter help rooms</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="videos">Videos</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="city-meet">City Meetups</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="wiki">Wiki</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="forum">Forum</input>
   <input type="checkbox" value="additional-course">Additional Courses</input>
   <button type="submit" id="submit"></submit>
/* file: styles.css */

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Challenge Information:

Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

Hello @123456sasidharan !

Your code has passed on my side.
Try the following:

  • Reset step

  • Refresh page (F5)

  • Some browser extensions, such as ad-blockers and dark mode extensions can interfere with the tests.

  • If you are having problems, recommendation is to disable extensions that modify the content or layout of pages, while taking the course.

    • Try a different browser.

Happy coding!

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Hey @123456sasidharan, I noticed something. On the radio buttons section, They said only two radio buttons should be grouped together so users can pick two options. On your end, all the radio buttons have the same name. You might want to try removing one and see if that works.

Happy coding :slight_smile:

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All radio buttons should have the same name.

It does not matter how many radio buttons are in the group, as long as the minimum number is two, in a document.

The reason they all should have the same name is to assure only one can be checked off.

As stated in my previous post,

Your code is good, as it is, I checked it before responding to you.

Keep up the good progress and happy coding!

Welcome to the community @Rwaka !

Please review the instructions again, as the information provided here is inaccurate.

@123456sasidharan has a working code, and does not need to make any changes to it as it was tested and guidance provided in the previous message.

The idea is to have all the radio buttons for any group have the same name to assure only one button can be checked off in the group.

The minimum number in a group should be two radio buttons; but the amount is totally up to the programmer/coder.

Happy coding!

@anon42932716, I apologize for giving you wrong information. However, I can explain why I thought that was the error. I attached a screenshot at #12. They mentioned that a user needs at least two options to choose from. If I’m mistaken, I’m sorry, @123456sasidharan.

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