I am facing the challenge of creating a survey form to obtain FreeCodeCamp front end certification. I built the whole form but I’m getting some errors and I can’t find the reasons.
When I give the command to execute the code the following messages appear: “Failed: You should have a label element with an id of name-label.
Failed: You should have a label element with an id of email-label.
Failed: You should have a label element with an id of number-label.”, since all the ids are there. Code below
<label for="name-label">*Name:</label>
<input required type="text" id="name" id="name-label" placeholder="Please, enter your name here"><br>
<label for="email-label">*E-mail:</label>
<input required type="email" id="email" id="email-label" placeholder="Now enter your e-mail address"><br>
<label for="number-label">Age:</label>
<input type="number" min="18" max="90" id="number" id="number-label" placeholder="Please, enter your age">