Survey Form (First Certification Project)

Hello. I’m doing the first certification project for the (New) Responsive Web Design course - Survey Form.

All of my tests passed and it said “Congratulations” and moved me onward. However, I didn’t create or add any CSS code for this, only the HTML. Is this expected behavior?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<head> </head>

<h1 id="title"> freeCodeCamp Survey Form </h1>

<p id="description"> Thank you for taking the time to help us improve the platform </p>

<form id="survey-form">

  <label for="name" id="name-label""> Name </label>
  <input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Enter your name" required>

  <label for="email" id="email-label"> Email </label>
  <input id="email" type="email" required placeholder="Enter your Email">

  <label for="number" id="number-label"> Age </label>

  <input id="number" type="number" min="10" max="100" placeholder="Age">

  <label for="dropdown"> Which option best describes your current role? </label>
  <select id="dropdown">
    <option value=""> Select current role </option>
    <option value="Student"> Student </option>
    <option value="Job"> Full Time Job </option>
    <option value="Learner"> Full Time Learner </option>
    <option value="PreferNot"> Prefer not to say </option>
    <option value="Other"> Other </option>

  <input type="radio" name="Recommendation" id="Definitely" value="Definitely">
  <label for="Definitely"> Definitely </label>

  <input type="radio" name="Recommendation" id="Maybe" value="Maybe">
  <label for="Maybe"> Maybe </label>

  <input type="radio" name="Recommendation" id="Not Sure" value="NotSure">
  <label for="NotSure"> Not Sure </label>


    <input type="Checkbox" id="FrontEndProjects" value="FrontEndProjects">
    <label for="FrontEndProjects"> Front-end Projects </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="BackEndProjects" value="BackEndProjects">
    <label for="BackEndProjects"> Back-end Projects </label>
    <input type="Checkbox" id="DataVisualization" value="DataVisualization">
    <label for="DataVisualization"> Data Visualization </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="Challenges" value="Challenges">
    <label for="Challenges"> Challenges </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="OpenSourceCommunity" value="OpenSourceCommunity">
    <label for="OpenSourceCommunity"> Open Source Community </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="GitterHelpRooms" value="GitterHelpRooms">
    <label for="GitterHelpRooms"> Gitter help rooms </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="Videos" value="Videos">
    <label for="Videos"> Videos </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="CityMeetups" value="CityMeetups">
    <label for="CityMeetups"> City Meetups </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="Wiki" value="Wiki">
    <label for="Wiki"> Wiki </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="Forum" value="Forum">
    <label for="Forum"> Forum </label>

    <input type="Checkbox" id="AdditionalCourses" value="AdditionalCourses">
    <label for="AdditionalCourses"> Additional Courses </label>

    <label for="Comments"> Any comments or suggestions? </label>

    <textarea id="Comments"> Enter your comment here... </textarea>

  <input type="submit" id="submit">


Yes, As long as you have completed all the tests requirements it is count as you’ve passed.

hello and welcome to fcc foum :slight_smile:

first of congratulations :confetti_ball: on completion of this project :clap:

my recommendation would be, dont stop playing around on your own, thats how we get to solidify what we have learnt and much more

explore on your own, there’s no limit to that :slight_smile: happy learning to us all :slight_smile:

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