I never been as active online. I asked this at several places now, read só many questions, answers, tutorials and what not. I just can’t get this figured out. I need help.
As seen here;
I am trying to work out SVG masking. What I just don’t understand is whenever I replace the current CSS mask (which I copied from another project on codepen to practice with/as an example), it shows blank.
I tried exporting with Affinity Designer in many different ways. I tried different software online to export with because perhaps the software causes it. I even attempted a SVG converter online, to see if that file would work. I also, instead, tried to give the path the background image instead of refering to it with CSS.
None of it works.
Help =/. I do not know where I go from here. I need to figure this out but I don’t even understand what or where it is going wrong.
Tag must be paired, missing: [ </svg> ], open tag match failed [ <svg version=“1.1” id=“svg” xmlns=“SVG namespace” xmlns:xlink=“XLink namespace” x=“0px” y=“0px”
viewBox=“0 0 960 560” style=“enable-background:new 0 0 960 560;” xml:space=“preserve”> ] on line 7.
CSS came back clean.