Symmetric Difference feedback

Looking for feedback on the first working solution that I came up with for this challenge, it was hard to stay away from loops, trying to use JS methods so I can learn them better.

function sym(args) {
    args = [];
    var symDif = args.reduce(function (first, second) {
        return difTwo(first, second);
    return symDif;
// Remove duplicate values from each array
function cleanUp(arr) {
    return arr.filter(function (item, index) {
        if(index === 0) {
            return item;
        } else if (arr.indexOf(item) == index) {
            return item;
// Return a array with unique items
function difTwo(arr1, arr2) {
    var array = cleanUp(arr1).concat(cleanUp(arr2));
    var uniques = array.filter(function (item) {
        let uniqueOne = arr1.indexOf(item) == -1 && arr2.indexOf(item) > -1 ? true : false;
        let uniqueTwo = arr1.indexOf(item) > -1 && arr2.indexOf(item) == -1 ? true : false;
        if (uniqueOne || uniqueTwo) {
            return item;
    return uniques;

I think that was one of my least favourite challenges! Well done for nailing it!

PS. I had loads of for loops and filter functions!!

Yea I scratched my head for a while working on it, thx :grin: