Table cells not rendering as desired for ngFor

I am trying to render a dynamic table with the ngFor directive. It’s not rendering as desired.

This is my html:

<form name="yourForm">
<tr *ngFor="let item of items">
<td>{{item[1]}} </td>
<td>{{item[0]}} </td>

This is in my controller:

export class ShoppingCartComponent implements OnInit  {
items = [];

onSubmit(quantity, product_name, product_price){

localStorage.setItem('items', JSON.stringify(quantity, product_name, product_price));

this.items.push( String(quantity), product_name, product_price );

It is rendered as follows:


My desired rendering is:


I am not a pro at angular, but to my knowledge, wouldn’t it better to put the items[] inside of constructor or ngOnInit?

I tried putting the onSubmit function in my constructor but it threw an error.

Like this I am speaking of:

export class ShoppingCartComponent implements OnInit  {
constructor() {
   items = [];

onSubmit(quantity, product_name, product_price){

localStorage.setItem('items', JSON.stringify(quantity, product_name, product_price));

this.items.push( String(quantity), product_name, product_price );

Tried that and it threw the error: Cannot find name ‘items’

The Items array actually needs to be saved to localStorage. How do I push an array to localStorage?

Thanks for your help, razzakammar_nano

The solution was posted here:!topic/angular/ROO8TCiw5Qw

Is this all of your code ?
I’m trying to figure out where the quantity, product_name and product_price come from ? who calls them ? The template/html ?