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Hi there, I have a question regarding " You should have at least five code elements that are descendants of .main-section elements."
I am not sure how to count the numbers of the descendants of .main-section elements. I am stuck for this for hours, trying to create more elements in .main-section elements but still fail.
I checked the page the project provided, but not understand why it hat at least 5 elements in the .main-section.
Could someone help me? thanks.

@Amy22 welcome to the community!

Can you paste here what your code looks like right now?

how to post the code?

sorry my 1st time to use forum, how can I post the code?

I am trying to paste a section of .main-section in here, hope someone can tell me how to count the descendants, so that I can fullfil the requirement “You should have at least five code elements that are descendants of .main-section elements.” Thanks.

No worries. You can check this post on how you could format your code when pasting it here.

I see.

In terms of descendants required by the challenge, it refers to the first level of elements nested within an element (the direct descendants), for example:

<section  class="main">

The .main element above currently have 3 descendants, namely h1 , p, and div elements.

I am little confusing, if I add h2, h3, img or div element under .main element, then should it pass?

thanks, I know how to post code now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yes, it should pass if the requirement is to have at least 5 direct descendant elements.

BTW, my previous comment intends to explain the concept behind nesting of elements. :grin:

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