Tell us what’s happening:
This is what I could do for my project of making a technical documentation page using HTML & CSS. I’d love to have your feedback on how I did.
Did I miss something, or did I do something wrong? As a beginner, I solely rely on what I can see on the screen to decide what I am doing is right or not, but I feel like that’s not it.
I kept my goal simple: to make my page resemble the page shared by freeCodeCamp in the project and I tried my best. The page shared by freeCodeCamp being:
These are the following observations that I made with which I am not happy:
- The page and it’s elements are obviously not optimized for multiple screen sizes, might work on it later though. By the time, I managed to do this much, my brain had stopped working.
- The navigation is not as accessible. The
element didn’t work for some reason. So, the user has to click on theanchor
element itself. - I’m not even sure if the way I arranged the nav bar and main contents side by side is the correct way to do it. It feels more like the entire code is somehow held together by duct-tape.
How can I improve any of these?
Your code so far
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Challenge: Technical Documentation Page - Build a Technical Documentation Page
Link to the challenge: