Technical Documentation Page - Build a Technical Documentation Page

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Failed:Each .main-section should have an id that matches the text of its first child, having any spaces in the child’s text replaced with underscores (_) for the id’s

I can’t seem pass this check, does anyone have any idea? My code is all correct.

Please help if you can. :pray:

Your code so far

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    <title>Technical Documentation by Thuyacs</title>
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        <header>Technical Documentation</header>
        <a href="#Introduction" class="nav-link">Introduction</a>
        <a href="#What_You_Should_Already_Know" class="nav-link">What You Should Already Know</a>
        <a href="#Python_and_Other_Languages" class="nav-link">Python and Other Languages</a>
        <a href="#A_Simple_'Hello,_World!'_Program" class="nav-link">A Simple 'Hello, World!' Program</a>
        <a href="#Variables" class="nav-link">Variables</a>
        <a href="#Declaring_Variables" class="nav-link">Declaring Variables</a>
        <a href="#Variable_Scope" class="nav-link">Variable Scope</a>
        <a href="#Global_Variables" class="nav-link">Global Variables</a>
        <a href="#Constants" class="nav-link">Constants</a>
        <a href="#Data_Types" class="nav-link">Data Types</a>
        <a href="#if_else_Statement" class="nav-link">if...else Statement</a>
        <a href="#while_Statement" class="nav-link">while Statement</a>
        <a href="#Function_Definitions" class="nav-link">Function Definitions</a>
        <a href="#Reference" class="nav-link">Reference</a>

    <main id="main-doc">
      <section class="main-section" id="Introduction">
                Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its readability and simplicity.
                Python supports multiple programming paradigms including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.
                It is widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.
            <pre><code>print("Hello, World!")</code></pre>
      <section class="main-section" id="What_You_Should_Already_Know">
          <header>What You Should Already Know</header>
              <li>Basic understanding of programming concepts.</li>
              <li>Knowledge of another programming language is helpful.</li>
              <li>Familiarity with basic computer operations.</li>
      <section class="main-section" id="Python_and_Other_Languages">
          <header>Python and Other Languages</header>
                Python is known for its simplicity compared to other programming languages like C++ or Java.
                Unlike C++, Python is dynamically typed and does not require explicit type declarations.
      <section class="main-section" id="A_Simple_'Hello,_World!'_Program">
          <header>A Simple 'Hello, World!' Program</header>
            <p>To print "Hello, World!" in Python, you can use the following code:</p>
            <pre><code>print("Hello, World!")</code></pre>
      <section class="main-section" id="Variables">
            <p>Variables in Python are used to store data values.</p>
            <pre><code>x = 10
y = "Hello"
print(x, y)</code></pre>
              <li>Variables are created when you assign a value to them.</li>
              <li>Variables can hold different types of data, including integers and strings.</li>
      <section class="main-section" id="Declaring_Variables">
          <header>Declaring Variables</header>
            <p>In Python, variables are declared by assigning a value to them:</p>
            <pre><code>age = 25
name = "Alice"</code></pre>
      <section class="main-section" id="Variable_Scope">
          <header>Variable Scope</header>
            <p>Variables have a scope which determines where they can be accessed in the code.</p>
            <pre><code>def my_function():
    local_var = "I'm local"

print(local_var)  # This will cause an error</code></pre>
      <section class="main-section" id="Global_Variables">
          <header>Global Variables</header>
            <p>Global variables are declared outside of functions and can be accessed from anywhere in the code:</p>
            <pre><code>global_var = "I'm global"

def my_function():

      <section class="main-section" id="Constants">
            <p>Constants are values that do not change during the execution of the program:</p>
            <pre><code>PI = 3.14159</code></pre>
      <section class="main-section" id="Data_Types">
          <header>Data Types</header>
            <p>Python supports various data types including:</p>
      <section class="main-section" id="if_else_Statement">
          <header>if...else Statement</header>
            <p>The `if` statement is used to execute code based on a condition:</p>
            <pre><code>if age > 18:
      <section class="main-section" id="while_Statement">
          <header>while Statement</header>
            <p>The `while` loop executes as long as a condition is true:</p>
            <pre><code>n = 0
while n < 5:
    n += 1</code></pre>
      <section class="main-section" id="Function_Definitions">
          <header>Function Definitions</header>
            <p>Functions are defined using the `def` keyword:</p>
            <pre><code>def greet(name):
    return f"Hello, {name}!"</code></pre>
      <section class="main-section" id="Reference">
              <li>All content is based on Python documentation from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>

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Technical Documentation Page - Build a Technical Documentation Page

Hi there, welcome to fcc community.

Please re-check this section:

The header text and the id value don’t match as required


Hi there @ysoe191 !
Replace only space with underscore for id value.

1 Like

Thanks Everyone!
I was able to find the error because of you guys!
Thank you for taking your time to reply to my problem! :heart: