Telephone Number Validator - Almost getting it!

I’m always getting so close, I had one last requirement left at one point I thought I had it but It think there’s a problem when checking for the correct brackets. Sorry for the messy code and commenting. Any suggestions would be appreciated thank you.

function telephoneCheck(str) {

  //10 digits
  //11 digits (must start with a 1)
  //No symbols except "-" and "()" and spaces, brackets only groups first 3

  let startsWithOne = /^1/g;
  let elevenDigits = /^[1-9]{1,11}$/g;
  let tenDigits = /^[1-9]{1,10}$/g;
  let correctSymbols = /\s|\-/g;
let correctBrackets = /\(\w\w\w\)/g;
let spaces = /\s/g;
let numbers = /\w/g;


let testS = str.replace(correctSymbols, "")
let testSS = testS.replace(correctBrackets, "")


if (str.match(numbers).length !== 10 && str.match(numbers).length !== 11) {
  return false;
} else if (str.match(numbers).length === 11 && startsWithOne.test(str) === false) {
  return false
// If starts with 1
// if (correctBrackets.test(str) === true && startsWithOne.test(str) === true && str.match(numbers).length <= 11){
//   return true
// } else if (startsWithOne.test(str) === true && str.match(numbers).length === 11 && correctBrackets.test(str) === true ){
//   return true
// }else if (correctBrackets.test(str) === true && str.match(numbers).length === 10 ) {
//   return true
//   } else if (startsWithOne.test(str) === true && str.match(numbers).length === 11) {
//     return true
//   } else if ()

// } else if (str.match(numbers).length === 10) {
//   return true
// }
// } else if (startsWithOne.test(testS) === true && elevenDigits.test(testS) === true){
// return true
//  } else if (testS.length === 10) {
//    return true
//  } else if (testSS.length === 7 || correctBrackets.test(testS) === true) {
// return true
//   }

  return true;

console.log(telephoneCheck("1 555-555-5555"));

Instead of using that much if statements you may try to use one regex to match phone number