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I’m getting an error executing the code on the notebook: AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'estimator'
. I tried to install different version of TensorFlow, but I didn’t find how to solve the problem.
I bealive that TensorFlow don’t recommend thy way of doing things anymore. I hope some day this tutorial would receive an update. But until then, is there a workaround?
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TensorFlow - Core Learning Algorithms: Building the Model
I’ve been running into similar problems.
In the notebook he will link to a tensorflow dot org tutorial that the lesson was based on.
They are updated with the new workflow. It’s very different though and I haven’t been able to use them as a plug-in workaround, but it’s good to see how it’s been updated.
When the notebooks break I’ve just been following with the video to get through that step, and making note of the new tensorflow tutorials to look over after.
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There is a quick tart notebook for TF2: TensorFlow 2 quickstart for beginners
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Should we just be using those instead?
I was wondering if it matters for the final projects, but I imagine the newer docs would be more applicable (especially since these old notebooks don’t even run anymore…)
I have no idea how the final project is assessed. I’m not there yet. But I hope that the answer is what is important, not the code used to generate it.