There is a typo in JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, Learn recursion project, step 47

Learn recursion by making a decimal to binary converter, step 47. “When you call a function, it is added to the top or of the stack…” The “or” doesn’t seem to fit there.

I just wanted to report this small detail. With so much information I know it can be easy to overlook things like this, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt. Please tell me if this isn’t the right place for this, I have no idea where else to contact the staff.

Welcome to the forum @samsantbaq

Thank you for reporting the typo.

This issue was merged a few days ago.

It takes a while to churn through, but will deploy when ready.

Happy coding


Thanks @Teller - yes we are a little late on the release, we are ironing out some additional bugs and improvements in other areas of the code and are likely to get a deployment tomorrow.
