Timestamp project testing

I believe I am done with the timestamp project, however there doesn’t seem to be a good way to test it. FCC takes anything I submit.

My project is located on Glitch at timestamplearn. (you have to fill in the Glitch and me yourself because I’m too new)

FCC relies on honor code for campers to complete their projects.

You should test the user stories by yourself. I would pull up the template project and test if your app does the same things as the template project.

I did do this however I had a few problems such as the input being seconds and the output unix time being millis. I don’t know if they expected the project to differentiate between millis and second unix for the input.

Good day @apexalexr,

I see what you mean.

Unlike the front end projects, the Apis and Microservices projects don’t have snippets to add for a visual testing.


The output of the template project should be the same as yours.
When you have a look at the user stories, they should all give you the exact same response as the template project.

Should you experience difficulties, please do not hesitate to let us know so that we may help where needed.

I have figured it out and have built a service I think replicates what was intended. The current problem I have now is the project is not staying check marked.