Toggling classes with jQuery

Currently working on building the basic functionalities of the weather project. I’m trying to create a button that toggles between showing the temperature in Fahrenheit and in Celsius. I wrote the below jQuery code to do calculations as necessary based on whether button class is declared “tempInC” or “tempInF”:

(".tempInC").html(currentTempinC + String.fromCharCode(176) + "C"); (".tempInF").html(currentTempinF + String.fromCharCode(176) + “F”);

This works when I manually change the button’s class in HTML. However, when I try to toggle the class with jQuery, it doesn’t work. Here’s my jQuery code:

(".tempInC").click(function(){ (this).toggleClass(“tempInF”);
(".tempInF").click(function(){ (this).toggleClass(“tempInC”);

As a test, I wrote CSS code that assigns tempInC to green text and tempInF to blue text. The toggle actually works for this (the button text turns green or blue when I click on it), but it still doesn’t change the number and C or F symbol itself. Does toggling only work for CSS then?

Here’s my codepen:

Thanks for any clarification you can provide!

Got it. Thanks so much!