Tell us what’s happening:
I have 16/ 18 tests passing, but having trouble creating tooltips that will pass tests.
Currently I have the “title” tooltips for accessibility as taught in the FCC curriculum. I’m assuming that even though the title elements have an ID of “tooltip”, the test is looking for a div?
I have tried half a dozen different ways to add another div with ID tooltip, using hovers, mouseovers, etc. and I can’t get anything to show besides the title element.
One other weird thing is that my .cell:hover {border: 1px} isn’t working, and I wonder if there is something causing neither of these to work? I can’t find any reason why my hover CSS isn’t working.
Here is an example of one of my cells with the title tooltip. When I change title to ID however nothing will show up.
<rect class="cell" data-year="1859" data-month="1" data-temp="8.05" x="674.9618320610687" y="65" width="5" height="41" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 191);"><title id="title">Year: 1859
Month: 2
Temp: 8.05</title></rect>
here is the css for the hover, although my bigger concern is not being able to implement any kind of a tooltip besides the “title” element
.cell:hover {
border: 1px solid black;
Last niggle, my legend passes the tests, but it’s ugly…I can’t get the axis to line up nicely with the filled rects. Maybe a label is a better method, but in theory I should be able to do an axis for that just as easily as for the main data.
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Challenge: Data Visualization Projects - Visualize Data with a Heat Map
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