Toxic culture in india

today i was studying my coding tutorials and after completed the study i decide watch youtube videos to refresh our mind then youtube suggest me a video that title is toxic work culture i watch that video and i am shoked after watched the video in video a person explaing a indian girl death because of strees she worked in very popular company after her death his mother wrote a letter for company owner and they shamelessly reply i don’t beleve our company employe dead like that and they did not done any inquiry and after 2 month of this incident indian government reply to company if you don’t take any action so we take an action after this that company say we are very sad of her death and company owner say if our company employes have any problem so tell the team leader but that team leader is rude he change work time late nigth because fo circket match so what the point that type help after watching that video i am still thinking if i will join any company and i am facing that type of manager and team leader so how can i handle this type of peoples because in india companies do not have any type of employes if you leave your job second person immediatly hieared how can i prevent myself from toxic work culture

Can you provide a link to the video? It might only expose one company or possibly be a fake story. If you want to avoid this kind of issue, asking current employees of a company you want to be hired by will help.

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this is the video link–>

India is large, with many, many companies. While I’m not intricately aware of the nature of the job market there, it’s only logical that some companies are better than others. Usually only the horror stories make it to YouTube. There are, I am certain, thousands and thousands of developers in India with somewhat normal managers and working conditions.

That being said, it’s definitely worth keeping an eye out for bad apples. LinkedIn is your most powerful tool. Look up employee reviews when applying to a company. Connect with current or former employees on the platform.

Also, don’t be afraid to walk away if something feels off. Your well-being is the priority.

Basically, don’t be too worried, but watch out.