Tribute page mocha div

when I click test it says mocha div here is a link to my code

Not sure what you mean this is what I found:

1. The <img> element should responsively resize, relative to the width of its parent element, without exceeding its original size.
Use the "height" style property with a value of "auto" for responsive images.: expected '200px' to equal 'auto'

So, it is telling you to change 200px to auto. I did that and it passed the test.

did not work for me did you mean change the css code or html code to auto

You set the height and width within your img tag. Is the where you changed it?

yes i changed to height=“auto” in the html and in the css i have max-width 100%
and height auto

also the link should keep updating

Don’t know what you mean. ^

But look at the error messages for what you don’t pass. Now it says:

 The <img> element should responsively resize, relative to the width of its parent element, without exceeding its original size.
Use the "display" style property with a value of "block" for responsive images.: expected 'inline' to equal 'block'

You changed your css file. So the reason it doesn’t pass now is because you changed the css file.

Thank you so much sorry i am dumb.