Tribute Page on Nikolai Tesla - reviews welcome

Hi everyone,

I recently completed the Tribute Page project. I chose Nikola Tesla for my subject. You’re welcome to visit and review the page

Here is the link

I’m just starting out with web design and coding, so I’m sure there’s a lot that could be improved.

If you have any suggestions, let me know!

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This code is easier to read in an external file (in codepen the css tab )

  <table style="background-color: white;">

Html inspector:

  • The ‘bgcolor’ attribute is no longer valid on the <body> element and should not be used.
  • The <center> element is obsolete and should not be used.
  • The ‘alt’ attribute is required for <img> elements.
  • The ‘align’ attribute is no longer valid on the <div> element and should not be used.

MDN documentation:

Cheers and Happy coding :slight_smile: