Tribute Page Project

I just finished my tribute page project. I chose the mathematician John Horton Conway. I would like some constructive criticism/feedback on my work and any improvements I should make.

Thanks in advance for any help/

Hi @eggthedev !

I think your project looks good .

The only thing I noticed were a couple of moments of inconsistent formatting like here

      <footer><p>The information in this tribute page was pulled from John Conway's <a id="tribute-link" href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia Article</a></p></footer>

The paragraph should be nested inside the footer

      <p>The information in this tribute page was pulled from John Conway's <a id="tribute-link" href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia Article</a></p>

Same here with the header

      <header><h1 id="title">A Tribute to John Conway</h1>
      <p id="subtitle">A brilliant mathematician who made many contributions in various fields of study</p></header>

the h1 should be nested inside the header

      <h1 id="title">A Tribute to John Conway</h1>
      <p id="subtitle">A brilliant mathematician who made many contributions in various fields of study</p>

These are small details be consistency in formatting is important.
Codepen, has a built in formatter

Once you start working on independent projects and eventually work projects, formatters like Prettier will be setup in your projects to ensure consistent formatting throughout the project

Hope that helps!

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Thank you for the heads up. I will make sure to pay attention to the formatting the next time I work on another project.

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