Hi Campers,
This is my tribute page. Any feedback is appreciated.
Hi Campers,
This is my tribute page. Any feedback is appreciated.
What Jordan says to “King James” - You can steal my number, but you can’t steal my crown!
I love Michael Jordan, and this was a great tribute!
Hi Isaac,
Thanks for liking my tribute page. Do you have any comments with regards to how I can improve it? I could probably add more content but I am more interested in the quality of the code. So I can improve it and I move on to the more challenge projects.
Of course you can move on. As for quality of code and things I can give some comments.
Hi Isaac,
You are a Thanks for the feedback. I have made the recommended amendments and the page is much more repsonsive and looks less like a page hacked together hopefully. Feeling more confident to work on my profile now. Will probably come back to it once I get my head around Javascript and jQuery.
Thanks a lot.