Tell us what’s happening:
Upon working the D3 bar chart project, I’m having trouble generating the X-axis. No axis or tick marks are being generated. I have it transitioned where I believe it should appear, but rather it just appears show a single number.
The code posted is referencing all the work associated with trying to create the X-axis.
I have my github linked to get a more comprehensive picture.
Your code so far
let years =
(accumulator, currentValue, i, array) => {
let date = +new Date(currentValue[0]).getFullYear();
if (accumulator.indexOf(date) === -1) {
return accumulator
}, []
let xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.range(0, svg_width - margin);
let xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
.attr("transform", `translate(${margin}, ${svg_height - margin})`)
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Challenge: Add Labels to Scatter Plot Circles
Link to the challenge: