Trouble with "Create a Horizontal Line Using the hr Element" lesson

just swap em and p tag, below hr

super helpful. thank you!

Thank you for the help! I was wondering why it wouldn’t let me through. It looked right to me!

Thank you so much!

Obviously I knew how this was supposed to be answered but I just ended up skipping it. However, I’m a bit OCD, I could not continue seeing one incomplete exercise. The p and em switch did the trick. I would have never figured it out. . .

many thx for ur first post and the second on this bug, can u tell me where u get that solutions?

Thank you, was wondering where in am getting it wrong because had followed the exact requirements.

thank you , so much . u r really superpower

thanx :slight_smile:

Thank u very much … that was really helpful.

Thanks! And thanks to the FCC monitors who posted the link to your solution so we could find a workaround BEFORE pulling out the remaining hair.

Thank you for your kind help.

Thank you very very very much!

Still buggy for me as well, so thanks so much for your solution!! :hugs:

Great Solution @SpaceCatInd

I’m so glad I realised this was a bug and thank god for this forum or I wudv been thinking about this for days

Thanks a lot! Your solution solved my problem.

thank you for the solution I am also stuck…

it was Thank You!!..

Thanks so much @SpaceCatInd!

Thanks @SpaceCatInd
I even did a search on MDN for hr tags just to make sure I was doing everything correct.
Hopefully FCC will address this soon :grin: