Trouble with my calculator

const App = () => (
  <div className="calculator">
    <div className="display" id="display">
    <Buttons />

class Buttons extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.count = "";
  handleClick = (event) => {
    const digit =;
    const actions = {
      Delete: () => {
        this.count = "";
        document.getElementById("display").innerText = 0;
      "=": () => {
        const result = eval(this.count);
        this.count = result;
        document.getElementById("display").innerText = result;
      ".": () => {
        if (
        ) {
          this.count += digit;
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
      "+": () => {
        if (/[+\-*/]$/.test(this.count)) {
          this.count = this.count.replace(/[+*/]{1,}$|-/, digit);
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
        } else {
          this.count += digit;
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
      "-": () => {
        const lastChar = this.count.slice(-1);
        const oldChar = this.count.slice(-2);
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
          this.count += digit;
        document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
      "*": () => {
        if (/[+\-*/]$/.test(this.count)) {
          this.count = this.count.replace(/[+*/]{1,}$|-/, digit);
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
        } else {
          this.count += digit;
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
      "/": () => {
        if (/[+\-*/]$/.test(this.count)) {
          this.count = this.count.replace(/[+*/]{1,}$|-/, digit);

          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
        } else {
          this.count += digit;
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
      _: () => {
        if (
          digit !== "0" ||
          (digit === "0" &&
            this.count !== "" )
        ) {
          this.count += digit;
          document.getElementById("display").innerText = this.count;
    (actions[digit] || actions._)();

  render() {
    const divs = {
      div2: ["clear", "Delete"],
      div3: {
        one: 1,
        two: 2,
        three: 3,
        four: 4,
        five: 5,
        six: 6,
        seven: 7,
        eight: 8,
        nine: 9
      div4: ["equals", "="],
      div5: ["decimal", "."],
      div6: ["zero", 0],
      div7: ["add", "+"],
      div8: ["subtract", "-"],
      div9: ["multiply", "*"],
      div10: ["divide", "/"]

    return Object.entries(divs).map(([className, values]) => {
      return (
        <div className={className}>
          {Array.isArray(values) ? (
            <button id={values[0]} onClick={this.handleClick}>
          ) : (
            Object.entries(values).map(([key, value]) => {
              return (
                <button id={key} onClick={this.handleClick}>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));

hi this is my code for the calculator challenge
everything works properly except that when i put two β€˜-’ signs it won’t work and this test won’t pass
13. If 2 or more operators are entered consecutively, the operation performed should be the last operator entered (excluding the negative (-) sign.
The sequence β€œ5 * - + 5” = should produce an output of β€œ10” : expected β€˜25’ to equal β€˜10’
AssertionError: The sequence β€œ5 * - + 5” = should produce an output of β€œ10” : expected β€˜25’ to equal β€˜10’
at Proxy.c (
at Proxy.u (
at n.strictEqual (
at l (
at Generator._invoke (
at (
at r (
at s (
i really don’ t know how to fix it

Try logging from where you handle the - button to see what exactly is happening as you try using multiple - signs or running the tests. For further assistance, post a link to your project on codepen.

Additionally, you’re mixing a lot of direct DOM manipulation with React. That’s generally a bad idea since React is trying to control the DOM itself.

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