Trying to understand JavaScript Event capturing and event bubbling?

Hi All,

I am trying to understand event capturing and event bubbling. Can you please help me with this issue. I am struck with below piece of code.

My Question is-
Why clicking on “This is a heading” is not giving two alerts? While clicking on some checkbox is giving two alerts.


<body id = "body-id">

 <h1>This is a Heading</h1>

 <label id="wow"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="value">Some checkbox</label>


     var fn = function(){
      alert("Hello from body tag");

     var fn1 = function() {
      alert("Hello form checkbox");
      e1.addEventListener("click", fn, false);
     var e1 = document.getElementById("body-id");

      var wow = document.getElementById("wow");

      wow.addEventListener("click", fn1, false);


thanks for reply! I just changed body_id to body-id.

To avoid confusion I have created two jsfiddles.

first example- When I click on “This is a heading” I am only getting one alert and in the second example- When I click on “Some Checkbox” I am getting two alerts.