Twitch app i'm stuck please help

Hi Everyone,

I seem to be stuck when retrieving information from twitch API. I am able to manually get the information i need, but when i use a for loop to retrieve info for multiple different channels it only gives me data for the first channel logo in the loop, the chName and chUrl show up undefined. I’ve been banging my head at it for many hours and was wondering if anyone can point out what i am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance for you help!

  var clientId = "1hgu9o71td72uteenuhdjeu”
  var stream = ""
  var channel = ""
  var channelArr = ["streamerhouse", "freecodecamp", "ESL_SC2", "OgamingSC2", "storbeck", "noobs2ninjas"];
  var logo = "";
  var status = "";
  var description = "";
  var chName = "";
  var chUrl = "";

for(var i = 0; i < channelArr.length; i++){
 type: 'GET',
 url: stream + channelArr[i],
 headers: {
   'Client-ID': clientId
 success: function(data) {
   dataA = data;
 type: 'GET',
 url: channel + channelArr[i],
 headers: {
   'Client-ID': clientId
 success: function(data1) {
   logo = data1.logo;
   chName = data1.display_name;
   chUrl = data1.url;
   if( === null){
     status = "<div class='row online'>";
     description = "Offline"
     status = "<div class='row offline'>";
     description =;
    //$(".mid").append(status+"<div class='col col-4'><img class='logo' src="+logo+">"+"<p class='text'><a href="+chUrl+"target='_blank'>"+chName+"</a></p></div><div class='col col-8'><p class='text'>"+description+"</p></div></div>");


It works now and learned something new today

Thank you Randelldawson!!