I am doing the Freecodecamp Twitch TV project where I show if 9 streamers are online. I use this array to store the streamers:
Codepen: https://codepen.io/Mike-was-here123/pen/MOmKzO
var streamers = [
I use these two API’s, I used a for loop which I explained later.
Channel/streamer details:
Stream details (to check if their streaming)
I used this code to access these API’s
for (var i = 0; i < streamers.length; i++) {
var streamStatusApi =
"https://wind-bow.gomix.me/twitch-api/streams/" +
streamers[i] +
var channelApi = "https://wind-bow.gomix.me/twitch-api/channels/" +
streamers[i] +
$.getJSON(streamStatusApi, function(data) {
$.getJSON(channelApi, function(data2) {
if(data.stream == null) {
// here i pushed something into the html based on stream status
else if (data.stream == true) {
// here i pushed something into based on stream status.
}); // $.getJSON for stream status
} // for loop
So why is only noobs2ninjas’s stream status being displayed on the html? Basically the last name in the array. Someone suggested that its because the two JSON’s are inside each other. I need information from both API’s. Would the variables still be global if they were separated (and made outside the JSON)?