Type game using javascript

I created this game using javascript. This is not for mobile phones. Reviews for improvement would be highly appreciated. This is the link

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An awesome work by the way… Can you show your code?

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thank you! here is my source code : link

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Can you please tell me why you used math.floor() in your code?
let task = Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length)
I am just a beginner in js…

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you see, math.random() function generates random numbers between 0 and 1 , which obviously is decimal. Math.floor() helps to reduce the number to an integer.


yeah, I got it and so easily… thanks for helping brother

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You’re welcome. I am glad I could help. :slight_smile:

can I add with you? or give you messages…

yes you can! (:::::slight_smile:

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