Use an h2 CSS selector to change the font?

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  .red-text {
    color: red;
  h2 {

  p {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-family: monospace;

<h2 class="red-text">CatPhotoApp</h2>
  <p class="red-text">Click here to view more <a href="#">cat photos</a>.</p>
  <a href="#"><img src='//' alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."></a>
    <p>Things cats love:</p>
      <li>cat nip</li>
      <li>laser pointers</li>
    <p>Top 3 things cats hate:</p>
      <li>flea treatment</li>
      <li>other cats</li>
  <form action="/submit-cat-photo">
    <label><input type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor" checked> Indoor</label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor"> Outdoor</label><br>
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="personality" checked> Loving</label>
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="personality"> Lazy</label>
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="personality"> Energetic</label><br>
    <input type="text" placeholder="cat photo URL" required>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

What am I not doing to fulfill the “Use an h2 CSS selector to change the font.” criteria of the lesson?

Hello dear,

Please edit your post, and select the code you posted, then ctr+ shift + C to format the code block.

Also please specify the challenge link too.

Thank you.

you forgot the semicolon after the word Lobster

1 Like

semicolon is the problem

Hi! Try to make this!
For me it works)

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  .red-text {
    color: red;
  p {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-family: monospace;

<h2 class="red-text h2">CatPhotoApp</h2>