User Story #8: My portfolio should have a link with an id of profile-link, which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab

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please help me for this question User Story #8: My portfolio should have a link with an id of profile-link , which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.

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Thechnical Documentation page

Hi I am Mahdi

a web developer

 <section id="projects">
   <h1>These are some of my projects</h1>
   <a class="project-tile" href=""></a>
 <section id="contact">
   <h1>Let's work together...</h1>
   <h4>How do you take your coffee?</h4>
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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36.

Challenge: Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Link to the challenge:

Can you send me the link to your work? If you do it like this, then I won’t be able to fix it because freecodecamp’s messaging editors can also be html editors. try putting it in a Codepen Pen.

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I’ve figured out the problem. You cannot have multiple id’s. Check lines 10-12 in your code. See anything wrong?
What the test means is that in the contact section, there should be a link that links to your github account that has an id of “profile-link”. Just give your links a class of “link” or something.

thanks for your help now i will be able to move forward in the project

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