UseReducer for forms?

Hey guys, I am trying to clean up this code for forms and want to make the reducer usable for form inputs. I had this logic working in the component itself and decided to pull it out and make a custom reducer. This is what I have:

The reducer:

import { useReducer } from "react"

function formReducer(initialState, reducer) {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(initialState, reducer)

  const reducer = (state, { field, value }) => {
    return {
      [field]: value
  return [state, dispatch]

export { formReducer }

and I am using it in this component:

I don’t believe I am passing in the right values and not sure if I need onChange() or the initialState in the reducer file. Any help is much appreciate!

So I got the formReducer to work like so, exporting out these two functions and keeping the initialState and onChange() in the component itself.

import { useReducer } from "react"

const reducer = (state, { field, value }) => {
  return {
    [field]: value

const FormReducer = (initialState, reducer) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(initialState, reducer)
  return [state, dispatch]

export { FormReducer, reducer }

Now, I’m trying to clear the state, dispatching all back to empty strings. Any ideas?

Mods: you can delete this or close. I solved it.

I passed different cases to the reducer in order to clear the state.

import { useReducer } from "react"

const init = (initialState) => {
  return {initialState}

const reducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'form':
      return { ...state, [action.field]: action.value }
    case 'reset':
      return init(action.payload)

const FormReducer = (initialState, reducer) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(initialState, reducer)
  return [state, dispatch]

export { FormReducer, reducer }

Then calling like so:

  const onChange = (e) => {
    dispatch({ type: 'form', field:, value: })

And to clear the form:

    dispatch({ type: 'reset', payload: initialState })