My javascript is very basic and I was looking online for a way to this but couldn’t find one.
My work has a unique webpage I log into in order to recieve support calls. It has an indicator that counts new callers at the top of the page that I inspected in chrome and saw it has a unique html id="…" tag.
Can I use javascript/chrome console to listen to this specific part of the page and make a sound when it dynamically updates (“number of calls” text changes)?
The text itself is updating. I’m pretty sure it’s the html because when Inspect it I can see the actual number within a span tag and when it changes the chrome inspector resets.
Thanks for that! It looks like exactly what I was looking for. However, console returns “Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute ‘observe’ on ‘MutationObserver’: parameter 1 is not of type ‘Node’.”
I understand that it means that the element does not exist when the functions searches for it and, as you said, it requires setTimeout.
I tried and it doesn’t work, sorry if I made a basic mistake :
The Iframe refers to a .aspx file that when I go into shows the entire upper portion of the original call screen and seems like it keeps auto refreshing.