Web Scraper Outputs Just One Item Instead of Many

I don’t understand the connection you have between the link/category and image. There also isn’t a one-to-one relationship when it comes to the numbers of elements. There are 100 images per page (per category) and 39 categories in total.

If the second map (link/category) ran as many times as the first map (images) then you would just get the image from the images array inside the second map using its index.

const image = images[i];

return {

But this will only give you 39 images.

Can you show what you want the CSV to look like?

I did a search for the image names in another thread and found the site. Not sure about linking it here? It is a online store.

@makamo66 We merged two of your threads to give some more context. Please continue your current questions in this thread. Sorry for any confusion.

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You merged together two different code bases. The first one console logs all the output and the second one saves to a CSV file. It seems more confusing now than it was before.

@makamo66 Well, in any case, if you have questions post them here. You also never answer the question I posted.

I don’t know what I want the CSV to look like. That’s why I didn’t answer.

Well, then I can’t really help you transform the data. But you see why I asked that question, right? You have many more images then links/categories.

const images = cheerio('td.productListing-data > a > img', html)
  .map((i, image) => cheerio(image).attr('src'))

const img = images.each( (i, image) =>

    return {

The code above resulted in the entire array being outputted to each cell of the spreadsheet.

I would expect the spreadsheet to have many more cells filled with images than with links/categories.

Even when I changed the names of the parameters, it still didn’t work.

So I tried to learn how to do this on my own by taking two video courses about node and cheerio on udemy.com but I haven’t gotten any better at it. The code produces an array of image URLs when I do this:

const request = require("request-promise");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");

const url = "https://www.example.com";

const scrapeResults = [];
async function scrapeJobHeader() {
  try {
    const htmlResult = await request.get(url);
    const $ = await cheerio.load(htmlResult);
	$("td.productListing-data > a ").each((index, element) => {
      const resultTitle = $(element).children("img");
	  const img_url = resultTitle.attr("src");
      const scrapeResult = { img_url };
    return scrapeResults;
  } catch (err) {

async function scrapeWebsite() {
  const jobsWithHeaders = await scrapeJobHeader();



but I get the error “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined” when I do this:

const img_url = resultTitle.attr("src").replace("images\\/more_color.png","");

The images that are returned include “images/more_color.png” but I just want to return the actual product images and not the pngs.

The results look like this:

{ img_url: 'images/more_color.png' },
  { img_url: undefined },
  { img_url: undefined },
    img_url: 'images/20191206/thumb/AK1501-@RH-CRY-LOVE@22X06-825_3L@467400@200@01@200.jpg'
  { img_url: 'images/more_color.png' },
  { img_url: undefined },
  { img_url: undefined },
    img_url: 'images/20191206/thumb/AK1501-@GD-CRY-LOVE@22X06-825_3L@467399@200@01@200.jpg'
  { img_url: 'images/more_color.png' },
  { img_url: undefined },
  { img_url: undefined },
    img_url: 'images/20191206/thumb/AK1500-@GD-CRY-QUEEN@3X06-825_3L@467397@200@01@200.jpg'
  { img_url: 'images/more_color.png' },
  { img_url: undefined },
  { img_url: undefined },

The next step would be to get rid of the undefined image URLs but I haven’t gotten that far yet.

I got rid of the undefined ones by using:

  if (img_url != undefined){

You can check the Truthiness of the img string and see if it does not end with .png before pushing to the array.

async function scrapeJobHeader() {
  try {
    const htmlResult = await request.get(baseURL);
    const $ = await cheerio.load(htmlResult);
    $('td.productListing-data > a ').each((index, element) => {
      const resultTitle = $(element).children('img');
      if (
        resultTitle.attr('src') &&
      ) {
        let img_url = resultTitle.attr('src');
        scrapeResults.push({ img_url });
    return scrapeResults;
  } catch (err) {

Thank you lasjorg! That worked!

No problem, glad to help. I should have linked to the endsWith method docs.

I suggest you keep these three links handy, on the left-hand side is the list of all the methods on the different objects (Object, Array, String).

Happy coding!