Website Hosting

Hello guys i hope u all fine.
guys i need help about hosting. i creat a website tamplet with html css and js and i wanna make it online .
if there s a free way to make that possible please tell me
thank u guys have a great time

11 Best Static Web Hosting Services (2021): Free & Cheap Sites

The last six in the list are the free ones, although I’m not sure Forge is free any more.

10 Platforms to Host Static HTML Sites for Free

This has a few different ones than the list above.

Personally, if you just want to get something up that anybody can look at then I would probably put your project in github and use github pages to serve them.

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I’ve been hosting my websites for a while now and I’ve not spent a penny.

I used for my hosting
When you’ve hosted it … You can also change the name of your website.
Note: you’ll always have at the back of your website name but don’t be pissed off yet… Netlify offers you the option to remove it.
So just go to to see for your self

Happy coding:)

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